Call forth high-level alchemy and powers of creation to forge a new reality in your soul-driven business.

Imagine having a Divinely-guided business — propelled by ancient magickal techniques and run on a bedrock of proven strategies — where your creative will is fully expressed, from client captivation to the daily delivery of your gifts.

Cultivate your manifestation abilities, get radical clarity on the next steps of your calling, and uncover the essence of your soulmate clients — all within a container where we dive deep on practical and magickal techniques for attracting all you desire in your life and business.

This nine-week experience is designed for Spirit-led Priestesses, Magicians, Witches, and business owners (practitioners, coaches, healers, and soulful leaders) who want to step into a whole new mockup for their business and learn high-level skills (esoteric and strategic) to run their business and call forth their inherent creative powers so they can create the next, expanded evolution of their work.

Imagine doing it without…

  • … worrying if all of you is being expressed in the delivery of your skills and abilities

  • … sacrificing magick and Spiritual expression in your work

  • … feeling unfulfilled or unfocused in the expression of your gifts

  • … settling for working with clients who don’t align with who you are today

  • … losing motivation when doing daily tasks associated with running your business

  • … feeling icky doing sales and marketing

  • … wondering if you are subconsciously blocking success in your business

All while embodying your soul essence in every aspect of your work.

In this program you will…

  • Move past overwhelm in your big vision and feel clear on next steps to take with your business

  • Step out boldly to attract your soulmate clients from your most powerful frequency

  • Master energetic tools for staying aligned as you grow your following and visibility

  • Cultivate magickal tools and techniques that will help you fully realize your inherent power in all you do in your life and business

  • Make clients hungry to work with you because you are stepping out with your most magnetic, authentic self

  • Learn techniques for consistently showing up for your passion, all with grace and flow

  • Align your offering with the fullest expression of your gifts

  • Learn strategies to market your business effectively

  • Fully realize your magnetic and powerful abilities as Magician

In Altar: BizMagick for Priestesses you will step fully into your power as a Divine creator and manifest the highest good vision for your work and creative output.


You will do it by:

  • Learning and implementing magickal techniques to amplify your manifesting power and help you run your business from a deeply empowered place — so you can achieve more creative satisfaction in your work

  • Mastering ideal client attraction and creating a new, aligned reality around client relationships that honors you and holds the highest-level container for them

  • Gaining skills and strategies for selling with soul

  • Embodying powerful key archetypes so you can step into confident and aligned leadership

Most of all, you will finally move past old mockups of what is possible and align with highest-level energies to manifest the most delicious expression of yourself and your business.

Maybe some of the following sounds familiar to you…

  • You’ve stalled out time and time again on expanding your business and are ready to step into the full potential of the service you can deliver.

  • You know you are an important contributor to planetary healing and want to create a business that aligns with your values and wisdom.

  • You’re tired of running a business from a patriarchal standpoint and you are ready to embody the Divine Feminine in all you do.

  • You’re not sure how to reach your audience and speak to the heart of your soulmate client.

  • The pandemic has left you feeling lonely and unsure of where to go with your business and you are seeking soulful community that can hold space for the next version of you that you are stepping into.

  • You know you need to grow your audience and become an adept salesperson to achieve what you desire, but you don’t want to do it through traditional models.

  • You have a lot of ideas of where to go next with your business and are looking for Divine clarity on what path to choose.

In short, you are tired of doing things the old way and are ready to step into a more aligned, Divinely-inspired expression of your voice and gifts — and get what you most desire in your life and business.

What if it were possible to…

  • feel clear on where to take your business, now and in the future?

  • be a powerful force in the healing of the planet, and know without a doubt you were making an impact?

  • embody your higher knowing and Divine feminine principles in the daily devotional activities of your business?

  • feel clear in how best to attract and work with your ideal clients?

  • know you are held by a community of Spirit-led Priestesses and Magicians who are also ready to create a new paradigm via the expression of their gifts?

  • step into sales from a place of integrity and confidence?

  • cultivate tools to receive wisdom from your guides, gods, goddesses, and other higher beings so that you can stay aligned and Divinely directed in all the work you do?

Over nine weeks you will learn to embody and manifest your vision for your Divine-led work and create what you desire in your business with key magickal methods that will amplify your power and manifestation abilities — and keep you aligned and supported as you lead and serve from your highest self.


Create the Next-Level Expression of You

Your business isn’t only a means for income generation, it’s a conduit for your creative expression. Through the services you provide, from one-on-one sessions, to group programs and classes, to online courses, to books and decks and other products, you have a tremendous opportunity to create massive ripples of change through your body of work.

All of which can feel like a massive undertaking when you are branching out into something new — or trying to breathe new life into something you’ve been doing for some time. 

It’s not just about the work involved. It’s about alignment — staying on track with the Divine flow and support you have on tap at all times. Accessing that support is something you can achieve mastery in… with the right tools and techniques. 

You don’t need to feel stalled out or unclear about where to point your focus next. There is always a repository of infinite intelligence and information available to you to help you blossom into your most fully realized self, if you know how to access the Divine powers that are ready to receive your every beck and call.

Ultimately, you deserve to feel personal satisfaction in everything you do — as Goddess intended — and the free-flowing energy of the Universe should be yours as you step into the role of the generative genius.

Altar is a potent container where you will learn how to unleash your full creative potential and finally cultivate the body of work that will be your crowning opus.

Powerful, Aligned Visibility and Leadership

In order to reach your soulmate clients and customers, you must be visible to them and put out a frequency they can receive. Learning how to stay in your aligned leadership — drawing from powerful archetypes that support you stepping into the most dynamic influence — is key to creating a following that is yearning to experience your wisdom and insight.

In Altar, I cover the two most important archetypes that will let you guide your clients from an energetically persuasive and effective stance, and show up in all your marketing standing in your true power. And I teach you powerful messaging and sales techniques that will serve your business for years to come.

Your Creative Power, Unleashed

As a Priestess, Magician, and Manifestress, you know that there are forces available to you that can help you create the incredible results you expect — after all, your desires are big and juicy! — and you want to develop the toolbox to master your creative power on every plane of existence.

And, make no mistake, there is an immense storehouse of potentiality living in your Astral grid. All you need is the access — the ability to call on this creative vault at a moment’s notice, to manifest your desires into the delicious reality you know deep down is possible.

Altar will give you a treasure trove of magickal tools that will allow you to realize your role as a Divine Creator and help you realize deep healing that will remove the obstacles to your manifestations.


What We Cover in Altar

  • Ritual Magick & Altar Work: Access your power on a routine basis — whenever inspiration strikes — and call forth the inherent powers of Mother Earth and the Astral Realm to power and guide your work.

  • Crucial Mindsets for Stepping into Your Full Power as a Priestess, Magician, or Witch: Move into next-level leadership, realize your full power as a Spirit-led guide, and walk in the world from the stance of a deeply-empowered creative being who is ready to serve at her highest level. This is the Philosopher’s Stone, the highest alchemy that brings true joy in life.

  • Divination Tools for Staying Agile in Your Business: Strategize and design your business using potent tools that keep you in alignment with your Higher Self’s Divine guidance — and always keep you in flow, moving past any habits of stagnation or uncertainty with ease.

  • Identifying your Memorable Magick: Call forth your most powerful essence in every aspect of your work and imbue that elixir of self in all your programs and materials.

  • Client Attraction Magick: Captivate your ideal clients — and get clear on who it is you most desire to work with — with core concepts and rituals that will bring your soulmate co-creators to your virtual doorstep.

  • Branding Clarity for Your Business: Put forth your clearest signal in all your materials and communications with your own branding lodestar — supporting you in resonating at your most authentic and compelling frequency.

  • Energetics of Selling and Visibility: Sell and message from the most influential stance, all while feeling strong and confident in everything you put out into the world.

  • Mindsets and Tools for Working at Your Most Generative, Powerful Level: Access your full power as a creative being and be able to access the natural fecundity of the Universe, making downloads clearer and commanding the force of Creation to support you in producing the resources necessary to run a successful business. 


The Program Outline

Every week for 9 weeks we will have a group call of 1.5 hours, where there will be special training and Q&A on course material. Calls happen each week on Fridays at 10am PST.

You will have access to a private Facebook group where you will receive access to all course content, accountability prompts, and ongoing community support for a total of 3 months

You will get access to my Pendulum Power Guide, with instructions on how to use a pendulum and a series of tools for you to divine answers to a variety of questions related to running your business.

You’ll also develop a Brand Lodestar to guide your efforts in creating promotional materials for your business.

In this nine-week, soul-centered incubator you will work alongside other enterprising and ambitious heart-led leaders to create powerful change in your business through the cultivation of your arsenal of magickal tools and your grounding in proven strategies that will catapult your work to the next level.

The group runs from January 6, 2023 to March 3, 2023.

Note: This round of Altar is going to be an intimate group of no more than five people. Take this opportunity to get more direct support for yourself and your business, for this limited-occasion offer.


About Your Guide

Theresa Pridemore is a mystic, teacher, and business consultant who specializes in helping healers, practitioners, and leading-edge creators in crafting transformational businesses that sing with authenticity and radiant joy. She is a healer and channeler who brings her spirit team to each experience, guiding the way on the challenging path of creation with soulful guidance that speaks to each individual’s needs and desires. She is also the creator of The Portland Tarot and The Sovereign Oracle, two modern decks that support visionary people in getting insight into their passionate expression.


The Investment

In this supercharged container you will learn high-level techniques and tools for breaking to the next level, creating ripples of change that will benefit you for the life of your business. These strategies will support you in growing your income by leaps and bounds, helping you to connect with your soulmate clients so you can reach your tribe and deliver your powerful gifts to even more people.

The investment for this program is $1,500.

Magnetize your soulmate clients and set the stage for a powerful year of success for your business with this ass-kicking mastermind, designed for ambitious women who are ready to manifest big results in their business — all with the high-level magick of the Priestess to back them.

If you’re ready to step into the full power and essence of your self, radiating the higher light that you know you were meant to embody in this lifetime, then this is an excellent opportunity to learn the tools to fully shine and claim your genius in the world.

Your soul wishes you to step into the Divine “Yes!” that reverbates throughout your soul and manifests your desires in the outside world, for your joy and the betterment of others.

Now is the time to step into the altar of your full self, for the truest expression of you and all you have to offer in the name of planetary healing.


“Signing up with Theresa has been like ‘hitching my wagon to a star’ — or switching from ‘Regular’ to high-octane fuel. She is a brilliant, intuitive, compassionate, and insightful coach. She is also an ever-flowing fountain of well-targeted ideas that are helping me to move my very quirky Calling out into the mainstream and onto the Path of Success.

“I believe Theresa was made for this moment — when so many of us are seeking to introduce transforming new ideas, products and services into a culture that has been blinded by sameness to the possibilities of greater beauty, wisdom, truth and kindness. Her seamless blend of business acumen, creative genius and practical magic has the power, I believe, to help us make our impossible dreams inevitable realities.”

Laurel Airica, Communications Consultant & Educational Entertainer, Word Magic Global


“After my work with Theresa, I felt on fire. She took the messy jumble of my business ideas and filtered them into an empowered, streamlined vision. What felt like marketing mystery to me beforehand, suddenly became a clear plan to manifestation. Our work together has been instrumental in creating a brand and website expression that has felt exciting and authentic.

“Theresa has this amazing ability to get into your clients’ heads, understanding their stubborn objections and deepest longings. Whenever I have felt discouraged or bored with creating meaningful content, she has helped me rekindle a sense of clarity, creative flow, and ease.

“If you are looking for someone to call you out on the hard stuff, the details about time and money, the ways in which you repetitively and unconsciously devalue yourself, then Theresa is your woman. She helps you access that beautiful, trembly stretch within. I am so grateful for our work together and the platform it has created for the forward propulsion of my business, my book, my groups, and all of my future creative endeavors.”

— Kendra Ward, Transformational Coach


“Theresa moves easily between metaphysical visioning and practical strategizing.  She helped me design a whole group program that I’d dreamed of but was too afraid to put together.  She held space for me to work through the inevitable demons of self-doubt as I claimed my power through writing it down for the world to see.  

“She had the goal of creating something that would call in the people I want to work with now, getting clear on what makes my heart sing, and shifting my messaging to call more of that in.”

— Dr. Amy Kelchner, ND + Shamanic Healer & Teacher